Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sucker Punch - 2011

Task: This was one of my compositing shots in the movie. My task was to integrate and track in a BG (background), add a CG(computer generated) vehicle in the FG (foreground), with CG planes flying around in the BG and add effects like fire, smoke, and bullet tracers flying around in the shot.

Software: NukeX

Task: In this shot the hero talent was wearing a wire rig harness to make her spin in the air while dropping into frame. So I took several pictures of a coordinators belly at work in 6 different angles. Then took those photos into Photoshop and stitched them together. Afterwards in Nuke I projected that stitched Photoshop file on simple cylinder geometry and animated a couple grade nodes to make shadows and highlights interact on it. Lastly I had to use the Paint Brush tool to paint frame by frame the other areas of shadow removal of wires and motion blur edges to push this shot to final stages. 

Software: NukeX and Photoshop


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