Monday, December 16, 2013

Bonnie & Clyde - 2013

Task:  Here is Clyde (Emile Hirsch) is trying to get into the car and get Bonnie (Holliday Grainger) out before the car gets engulfed by flames. Of course you can't have fire that close to actors on set.  So to make this look real, I had to composite in smoke and fire elements,  reflections of burning fire on-top of the hood of car, add integrated lights flickering on Bonnie, and finally add heat distortion overall on the footage to make for a real fire that happen.

Software: NukeX

Task: In this shot I had to take the Green Screen footage of Bonnie & Clyde and key out the green and replace it with moving footage of a Background plate that was shot. I had to stabilize the BG and color correct it to match the FG plate, then added light wrap and window reflections. Finally I gave the footage of a car ride effect to make it feel as if the car was driving down the road with bumps in the pavement.

Software: NukeX

Task:  Here is the final shoot out with Bonnie & Clyde for the death of them. First I had to add bullet hits, blood on ceiling of car, bullet tracers flying by. Then I had to add bullet hits to Bonnie & Clyde's face and body with blood elements coming out them to represent bullet hits hitting them and exiting them as well. Finally I added debris of car parts, clothing, and atmospheric mist to dirty the shot up for the finale.

Software: NukeX


Monday, December 9, 2013

Sleepy Hollow - 2013/2014

Task:  In this task, I had to completely painted out the actor's green screen head and collar.  I did this by tracking in a single clean plate I created in Photoshop of what it might look like behind him. I then solved the camera in nuke and tracked it to match the plate. Afterwards I had to color correct it to make sure it matches the surrounding colors and pulsating live action fire as well as the glow from the overhead blue light.
Finally the compositor (Brandon Criswell) comped in the CG neck and collar to make for a seamless integration for the final output.

Software: NukeX, Photoshop

Task: For this shot, they drew black veins on the actor's face and bodies with a sharpie.  This was done for the story, where the water in the well heals them for the virus that takes over their body.
So my task was to completely paint out the black veins as if they were never there.  I used Photoshop to build clean plates for all areas that had veins IE: cheek, nose, forehead, neck, chest, etc.  Next I solved the camera, built some rough geometry of the face, chest, neck.  Then I projected my clean patches onto the geometry and attached the tracker to it.  Of course I had to adjusted the patches with a corner pin, grid warper/spline warper, and a transform.  Finally, I color corrected each patch and added motion blur and grain for the final shot. (I had some help with the boy by one of my senior painters -Duff Chung-Pu Hsiao, because of the 2 day turn around time for this shot.)

Software: NukeX, Photoshop

Task: In this shot I had to paint out the green screen head as well as replace the wall and all the elements of sparks and flickering lights from the plate.  I created a clean plate in Photoshop and used nuke's curve tool to help color correct the flickering lights and drastic dark to light adjustments.  I had to counter animate the color correct to get it as close as possible to the original plate.  Afterwards, I keyed back in the falling sparks and painted out the prosthetic neck where it was glued onto the actors shoulders.
Final composite was done by (Lori Miller) where she comped in the CG neck and eyes to plate.

Software: Nuke, Photoshop


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Oblivion - 2013

Task: In these two shots I had to remove the entire production area, roads, vehicles, and anything that made it look modern.  I used the on set Lidar Geo and then Camera Solver in nuke to generate a 3D Camera.  I had to model extra Geo and clean up the holes in the Lidar with some Cards that I Deformed bicubically in Nuke. Finally, I made several clean plates in Photoshop and projected them onto the cleaned up Geo for the final shot.

Software: NukeX, Photoshop

Task:  Here is Jack (Tom Cruise) wearing a harness with two wires attached to make him look as if he was in zero gravity in space.  After several takes, the wires ripped areas of the suit where they attached at the waist.  I had to repair these areas by painting out both the wires and several wire shadows that were casted from the lighting rigs onset.

Software: NukeX, Photoshop


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Beautiful Creatures - 2013

Task:  In this shot the actor (Alden Ehrenreich) had a safety wire attached to his back, so he wouldn't fall climbing down the house. This caused the shirt to stretch and pull upwards.
So I had to not only paint out the wire over the background but also replace part of his shirt. I created the clean plate of the new non-stretched shirt in Photoshop. Then I tracked his shirt and made counter animated key-frames with a corner pin and grid-warper to make the shirt fit into the original shirt. Finally I color corrected the patch and added animated highlights and shadows to blend the patch into the original shirt to make a seamless convincing edge.

Software: NukeX, Photoshop


Friday, July 19, 2013

The Amazing SpiderMan - 2012

Task: In this shot the Camera reflection in the window of truck was very visible and covered most of the talent in frame. I had to remove this on all frames and then composited an entirely new background of New York City with many extra elements: smoke, lights, cars, buses, and buildings.

Software: NukeX and Photoshop

Task: Spiderman's (Andrew Garfield) suit kept wrinkling and not forming to his body correctly, so the director asked for this to be fixed. I tracked and warped patches onto his suit (screen right- lats, waist, and hip area) where it needed fixing so that the actor's outfit looked perfect all the time.

Software: NukeX and Photoshop


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Snow White and the Huntsman - 2012

Task: In this sequence my task was to Paint out all the mortar sand dunes before they exploded in this "storming of the beach" sequence.

Software: NukeX and Photoshop


The Avengers - 2012

Task: This shot from "The Avengers" - I was asked to by ILM to help them out by cleaning up the on set GS (green screen), since it was extremely hard and difficult to pull any keys on. So I gave them back a perfectly key-able cleaned GS. 

Software: NukeX


Fast Five - 2011

Task: In this "Vault Heist" bridge sequence, I had to Paint out the entire Vault Truck driving down the freeway. As well as composite in new background mountains and CG(computer generated) lamp posts

Software: NukeX and Photoshop

Task: This shot required a ton of plate restoration. Removing all the wires, cables, production tents/crew and rebuilding the K-rail on the bridge as well as removing the camera rig and wires on the Hero Car. I used projection cards,  2D trackers, corner pins, and grid warps to frame by frame animate still images to track onto the car and ground to make it look as if their was nothing to do on this shot.      

Software: NukeX and Photoshop

Task: In this "Vault Heist" street sequence, I had to Paint out numerous on set camera cars, cranes, car ramps, and practical vault.  

Software: NukeX and Photoshop


Hugo 2011

Task: In this shot the actor (Sacha Baron Cohen) had a safety wire on him that needed to be Painted out for the entire shot. This was a native stereo movie, meaning it had 2 (two) left and right eye footage, so the paint out had to be spot on in both eyes to make for a seamless stereo shot.

Software: NukeX and Photoshop


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sucker Punch - 2011

Task: This was one of my compositing shots in the movie. My task was to integrate and track in a BG (background), add a CG(computer generated) vehicle in the FG (foreground), with CG planes flying around in the BG and add effects like fire, smoke, and bullet tracers flying around in the shot.

Software: NukeX

Task: In this shot the hero talent was wearing a wire rig harness to make her spin in the air while dropping into frame. So I took several pictures of a coordinators belly at work in 6 different angles. Then took those photos into Photoshop and stitched them together. Afterwards in Nuke I projected that stitched Photoshop file on simple cylinder geometry and animated a couple grade nodes to make shadows and highlights interact on it. Lastly I had to use the Paint Brush tool to paint frame by frame the other areas of shadow removal of wires and motion blur edges to push this shot to final stages. 

Software: NukeX and Photoshop


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Nightmare on Elm Street - 2010

Task: This task was to paint out the reflection of the girls mom (Connie Britton), then composite a separate plate of Freddy Kruegar's (Jackie Earle Haley) into the mirror acting as if he is her reflection.
I had to warp, time-offset, re-time, and color correct Freddy into the mirror to give him the exact movement of the mom's reflection movement.

Software: NukeX
